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We accept submissions for future volumes year-round!

Basic Information

In addition to academic paper submissions by history students, we welcome contributions from a range of scholarly fields and from all levels of education—both within and outside academia. History Collective promotes interdisciplinary research as long as the topic is related to history. We accept written work on all historical eras.

Any submission to our journal must be between 2,000 and 6,000 words (excluding footnotes, appendices, and bibliography) and should be an unpublished, original work. References must follow the Chicago Manual of Style (notes and bibliography format).

Articles must be written in English or Dutch. When a Dutch article is accepted, we require the submitter to translate their work into English. Grammar or language mistakes are not frowned upon, provided the work is readable and demonstrates a sufficient level of research. Our editors are here to polish your work—your unique insight is the most important part!

After receiving your submission, the work will be subjected to a blind peer review. If we decide to publish your work, you will be notified. History Collective accepts multiple submissions per person, but we will only publish one of your works per issue. We may preserve your other works for a future issue unless you specify otherwise. Articles that might not be suitable for an issue are often published on our blog, ensuring they still reach an audience.

Submission Guidelines

Below you fill find a downloadable PDF document containing all the submission guidelines as well as a formatted outline of a paper. We have created these PDFs for your ease, so you will never have to lose them. We recommend you carefully read them first, and if needed contact us with any additional inquiries.

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